Message from your spirit guides

Message from your spirit guides

Pick a Card + Channeled Message Hello friends, welcome to this week’s Oracle card reading, I have a message from your spirit guides plus, pick a card for your Oracle reading, there’s gonna be three cards. The picture of each card is at the beginning of the screen. I’m going to pull one, one word…

Pick a Card + Channeled Message

Hello friends, welcome to this week’s Oracle card reading, I have a message from your spirit guides plus, pick a card for your Oracle reading, there’s gonna be three cards. The picture of each card is at the beginning of the screen. I’m going to pull one, one word card for you right now. This is for all three piles. If you’re drawn to more than one pile, pick more than one pile, you will have more than one message waiting for you. And here is today’s message overview. Truth. Truth How about I channeled a message for you now, from your spirit guides, this is message from your spirit guides about truth before I go into the three card spreads. So it’s just tune in, I’m tuning in to all of you who are watching this video. And I set the intention that the messages that flow from me to you are for our highest good for our healing and evolution. So everything that you hear in this message that comes through my voice to you. It is wise for you to put through the filter of your own life experience, to tap into what is true for you. As there are many truths in an equation of life. Let me give you an example of what I’m talking about. Let’s say this is a planet and you are standing here I am standing here I may be experiencing on this side of the planet, the sun, it may be daytime, you may be experiencing nighttime over here. So your truth is it’s nighttime. My truth is it’s daytime, both are true. These are Subjective Truths. And if you come out wider from up here, and I can see the whole planet, my view becomes higher. This is an objective truth when I can see what’s true for the whole planet at one time. So the messages that come through me to you today, put it through the sifting of your truth filter what rings true to you. This is how you get in touch with your intuition. And the purpose of these messages flowing through me is to wake up your energetics of truth have an intuitive knowing. So the more you practice tuning in with yourself and applying this to your life and what’s going on in your life. The more you can hear your intuition. So as I call in my spirit guides to speak through me, I want you to now call in your spirit guides right now. Ask them to help guide you with these messages open up your heart to receive one more thing about truth that I would like to say is, if you are feeling confusion at all, if you need clarity in your life, one of the strongest ways to bring clarity in your life is to speak the truth of what is in the moment. The truth is known in the moment that you’re in. It’s not in the past, it’s not in the future, the truth in the moment of what is as you speak it as you write it, you are aligning with truth and releasing confusion. That takes courage. That it’s one of the most powerful things you can do to get to the bottom of something to bring clarity of mind. So Unknown Speaker 4:19 what do you need most in your life right now? answer that truthfully. What do you need most in your life right now? And in what ways can you help yourself? Reach that thing that you need the most? Do you need support? Do you need space? Do you need things to slow down? Do you need time alone? Do you need money? Are your finances hurting? What is it that you need right now in your life? The most. Speak it, write it down. And now answer truthfully, what steps can you take towards making it happen? How can you help yourself receive or create that thing you need? Can you make a plan? Are you giving it enough attention? Are you being too controlling? Do you need to let go? Or do you need more structure? Just to answer those questions, honestly. And now we’re gonna go to the cards. We’re gonna go to pile number one first if you’ve picked the card and pile number one, this Unknown Speaker 5:48 is what the pile number one looked like. And this is from the Goddesses gods and guardians oracle cards guidebook from Sophie Bashford. This is your pick a card pile number one. Wow, okay. This is a sun goddess. Her name is pronounced Maroubra Tae Soo Morotai Su. And she is a bright light sun goddess. And you can see at the bottom there, it says no more hiding. So this is how her story goes. She was a very bright, vibrant, loving, beautiful goddess who hid herself in a cave because her brother was doing some really immoral things. And she was appalled by it. And she didn’t want to be a part of it. So she hid herself in a cave. And the powers that be the spirit guides of that time, knew that they needed to get her out of that cave, because her light was so bright, that things started to wither and die and become dark. So to get her out of the cave, they coaxed her by putting a mirror at the mouth of the cave. And she saw this radiant, bright, beautiful light. And she just couldn’t believe how gorgeous it was to she just wanted it she was like mesmerized by it. So she came closer and closer to the mirror, until she saw it was her. And in seeing her own light, she knew that she could no longer hide it that her purpose was to show herself and let herself be seen. So she took responsibility, and she allowed herself to be seen. And if you picked this card today, the message is you may be a very introspective person, you may be someone who needs alone time. And it’s okay to go inward, it’s okay to go inside and take some time alone from all of your friends and, and really take a look at your life and everything that you have experienced. But don’t get too comfortable there. Because it may be easier for you to stay there in that alone space. But you need to be seen your light needs to be shared with other people. So this is a message for you to take responsibility in sharing your light with others. Also take responsibility in tending to your light, restoring depleted energy, resting, allowing yourself to taking taking breaks from things that drain you be aware of your habits that you form such as like when you have downtime if you just reach your for your phone and go to social media or you reach for your phone to call somebody, maybe pause for a minute and say is this time important for me to restore my energy so I can take care of what I need to take care of so I can go out and share myself with the world later. So I’m going to just see what else messages are written in this card that was just for you hold on. So the invocation here is I reveal what’s in my heart and it is received with love so it’s okay to share your feelings. You must share your feelings openly with someone who you trust where it’s safe. In sharing your feelings, you will see your own bright light you will be nurturing yourself, it’s important for you to be heard, it’s important for you to express and be received. So if you aren’t right now, in a community or a safe container where you can share your feelings. Ask your spirit guides right now to send you someone asked this spirit guide. Err a meant to sue. Ask her to send you, people friends, maybe a therapist that you’re looking for. Ask her to send you the right people and safe spaces for you to share your feelings because this is what will help you heal right now. Okay, pile number one. So, pile number two, let’s go to you. Pile number two is from the angels and ancestors oracle cards guide book in your pick a card. weekly reading this is pile number two. This is the direction guardian, choose your path. Take a look at that card. Direction guardian, choose your path. If you picked this card, chances are you are at a crossroads in your life. And you are trying to figure out which way to go. But this message is to share with you that there is no wrong choice, you may be stuck because you’re feeling like you don’t want to make the wrong decision. Sometimes it’s hard to make a decision, especially right now, in this time that we live in when we have so many choices, right? We don’t know which way to go. And we don’t want to make the wrong decision, we can get paralyzed. But there is no wrong decision. Because every decision that you make will teach you. And even if you go in and direction that ends up being a life lesson. It wasn’t for nothing. Everything works together for your good. You may be feeling scared to make a decision because you just came through something difficult. Maybe you just ended a relationship or you have the trauma of a past relationship that you experienced where you lost faith in yourself because you may have had a really difficult breakup, you may have made a choice of a partner that wasn’t the best for you in that time. But trust me that all of the wisdom that you gathered from that relationship, use it to make a decision that is best for you moving forward. So how do we do that? Let’s ask these direction guardians. See this picture. It has an eagle, a lion, a bull and a cherub. These direction guardians can appear to you in many different forms. So it could be an animal, it could be a stray cat, it could be a bird flying ahead. It could be a crystal. It could be a sign on the street. That is a direction Guardian coming to you when you ask them for help. So in this moment, tune in ground yourself. Ask your direction guardian to show up and guide you and help you in making the decision to move forward in the direction that’s best for you the direction that lights you up the most the direction that makes you feel joy and happiness and good. Choose that direction. Choose the direction that feels the most joyful for you. Don’t worry about how it’s going to happen called the direction guardians and an ask them to guide you once you make that decision about what brings you the most joy. It is your responsibility to move forward. The universe can’t move your body for you. The universe can’t make you sit down and do your job or make you fill out an application for your dream job. These are things that are your responsibility and then ask your direction guardian to guide you along the way. Ask them to make themselves known. So you can see when they’re they’re supporting you. When you get all those synchronicities that are so beautiful in life. You know that you are you know seen by the universe and supported by the universe I have a friend who ran a 100 mile race, like an ultra marathon in the mountains like. And this was his thing that really he was excited to do. It was a big dream of his. And he had eagles flying with him overhead, and he won. And that was like his direction guardian, sending him like the spirit guides that were eagles that really supported him along his run. And I loved it when Unknown Speaker 15:33 he told me that story. So think of this direction Guardian as guiding you forward and being a cheerleader. After you make the decision, you know, you may be in a direction right now that you picked a couple months ago or maybe even years ago, and you feel like giving up well, this is a message not to give up that pause Collin your direction guardian and ask them ask these spirit guides to guide you and direct you from where you are in this moment moving forward. But you have to do the work okay. Okay. And now we’re going to go into card number three message from your spirit guides if you chose card number three, this is what the card looks like. This is called cracked open rock bottoms surrender to the alchemy of life. So if you picked card number three, this is the star seed Oracle guidebook by Rebecca Campbell. And Danielle Noel, I want you to take a good look at this picture. cracked open rock bottom surrender to the alchemy of life. When we are going through heartbreak, and we are feeling very discouraged and disappointed in life, and and I mean our heart is cracked, wide open, and we are really, really in pain. That is how our hearts get opened and how we then alchemize our pain and to light this is how the light gets in. It isn’t by feeling good, feeling good, feeling good. Even though we can learn through happy things that make us feel good. It’s usually the the heartbreak, that opens our heart. And in that opening, we then gain wisdom. We gain compassion, that compassion is the light, you become this vessel that can hold more compassion and love and light in your being for others because you lived through that. So if you picked this card, the intuitive guidance, the message from your spirit guides is that they see you the universe sees you the universe knows you are going through this heartache, this pain, this confusion. And it wants you to know that you are being alchemize into this vessel of light. And it isn’t that you are meant to suffer. You don’t have to suffer. You’re not meant to suffer for the healing of other people. That’s not true. We’re going back to truth now. What’s true is life is hard. And hard, difficult, painful things happen to everyone no matter who you are. No matter how good you are, no matter how enlightened or spiritual you think you are. difficult things happen to everyone. But it’s what we do with this opening of our heart of the breaking to pieces. As we embody compassion and light. That is really what changes the trajectory of your life. So let me see what this has to say for you. Don’t let the weight and density of the world squash your tender spirit. Instead that it called even more of at home into your body at the center front of your life. It’s through the extreme pressure of life’s trials that diamonds are cultivated. It’s when things are at their darkest that we cultivate proper faith in our light is ignited it’s through the crumbling that we can allow our wounds to be optimized. Let your pain sorrow and losses make you not break you. But life optimize your tragedies into gold Be open to being cracked, open, wide open. That’s the difficult times that help us grow in leaps and bounds and in ways we could only dream where possible. But first, they have to crack US Open. Sometimes it hurts like hell. It’s nature’s way. Whether you let it happen or not, it’s going to happen. So surrender to the process. It’s how the light gets in. When your heart cracks open, a space is created for your soul to more fully enter. When your soul cracks open. A space is created for the grace of the Holy Spirit to enter your trials, your sorrows, your pains, and your losses transform you into more and more of yourself. Stay open to the possibility that your tragedies, your losses, your sorrows, and your hurt happened for you, not to you. Bless the thing that broke you down and cracked you open because the world needs you open surrender to the alchemy of life. Who so to everyone who is watching this, I send you so much love, I send you so much light, I want you to know that you have the power to call in your spirit guides. So if that is something that feels good, too, I want you to just feel yourself in your body right now and send out a beam of light from your heart into the universe. And request your spirit guides to meet you where you are to give you support and love to help you in this part of your journey. Help you see what the next step is. Help you see where you are gripping too tightly and need to surrender a little. It’s through surrendering that we can be redirected. If we are asking the universe to show us and help us be of service. We need to let go a little also, if you want to really, truly have an adventure and a life filled with like amazing universal synchronicities and magic. It’s in that letting go and letting the universe show you. Because that’s your soul, your soul in the universe like way bigger and grander than this human thinking mind right? So when we think that we know what’s best for us, we really don’t because we can’t see the whole picture. It’s our soul and the universe that can see the whole picture and use us in the moment for what’s best for everyone involved. And that’s the truth. Thanks for tuning in. And if you are looking for a personal reading, please click on my website and the link below Jessica And please share this video with your friends who may need it. I’ll see you next week.